
We thank Grahm Alsamben, Jim Anamiato, Peter Banige, Chris Bernard, Ilaiah Bigilale, Narai Billy, Anton Buntapeko, Fred Francisco, Raymond Henry, Emos Ilmiten, Markret Ilmongen, Bulisa Iova, Didibu Iova, Jerry Itimbian, Simon John, James Kami, Simon Kidabu, Paul Lagalaga, David Langei, Esrum Lonpulpagetuna, Fred Malesa, Wairi Mamana, Damian Matalo, Gabriel Mathew, Paul Nauteri, Robert Nenlandin, Stanley Nimbisan, Silas Puka, Thomas Rangen, Bemuni Sagara, Inabaia Sagara, Dolasi Salepuna, Rebeka Samso, Michael Samson, Bena Seta, Stanley Simalken, Jeffrey Tekwae, Jason Torena, Brian Uruwa, Joe Volo, Bruce Yallus, and Baravea Yuaru for field assistance. We also thank Allen, Dage, Don, Gule, Lawasi, and Suki of Gadowalai, Milne Bay Province; James and Pipi of Naura, Milne Bay Province; Isei, Johan, Koko, Saina, and Saku of Liak, Misima Island; Dodi, Genta Sr., Genta Jr., Munda, and Tanunu of Bunisi, Milne Bay Province; and Mathias of Apele, Morobe Province for field assistance.

We thank Sedeka Andrew, Aussiya, Bruce Beehler, Lydia Doni, Noel Doni, Maureen Ewai, Telon Garra, Charlie Graham, Didibu Iova, Conrad Kembwa, Karol Kisokau, Helen Korage, Gai Kula, Dyson Libai, Biga Libasi, David Mitchell, Ignas Nymbut, Florence Paisparea, Michael Paisparea, Pesto Robert, Bendo Salepuna, John Sengo, Bena Seta, Wayne Takeuchi, Alfred Toginitu, Ben Yawi, Isidore Yikida, and Conservation International for logistical assistance. We thank the many landowners who kindly granted us permission to survey on their lands.

We thank the PNG National Museum and Art Gallery for providing in-country collaborative assistance, and especially its staff of Jim Anamiato, Ilaiah Bigilale, Bulisa Iova, Simon Poraituk, and Simon Saulei for their considerable logistical assistance.

We thank the PNG Department of Environment and Conservation, PNG National Research Institute, Central Provincial Government, East New Britain Provincial Government, Milne Bay Provincial Government, Morobe Provincial Government, Southern Highlands Provincial Government, and West Sepik Provincial Government for permission to conduct this research.

We thank Pumehana Igeta, Shelley James, Carla Kishinami, Richard Pyle, and Carolina Rivera Alvarez for website and database development; Su Wathana for adding keywords to the literature database; Armin Halston and Myra McShane for map production and spatial analysis; and Allison Baum, Rhyn Davies, and Mark Fornwall for technical support.

This research was supported in large part by NSF grant DEB-0103794; research on Rossel and Sudest islands was funded by a grant from Conservation International. Support for mapping Pacific Region reptiles was provided by the World Conservation Union.

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