Fiji Fish Searchable Database
(data last revised 12 November 1999) |
This searchable database is currently operational, but is still under construction.
Pending support for the Fiji Fish Project, this site will be continuously upgraded and expanded. At present, the database does not yet
include published records of Fiji fishes, or records known only by field observations. To see an example of a completed record (including photos, but not yet including published references),
search for the apogonid species Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus. To illustrate how the "Include Synonyms" feature functions, select
the check box for it and search for any of the synonyms, Paramia bipunctata, Apogon novemstriatus, or Cheilodipterus popur.
Photographs are also currently available for Apogon nigrofasciatus and Siganus uspi, and
photos of most or all species will be added pending NSF support. Much of the taxonomic data contained in this database were derived from Bill Eschmeyer's
"Catalog of Fishes;"
however, some of the data have been amended, modified, or transformed, and errors introduced by such
are solely our responsibility. The work by Eschmeyer and his collaborators deserves all of the credit, and none of the blame.
For questions or comments, please contact Richard Pyle, the administrator of this web site.