Fiji Fish Searchable Database
Search Field Definitions |
This site is currently under construction, and will be upgraded and expanded pending support for the Fiji Fish Project.
At present, the following search criteria are available:
Search Criteron Definitions
Maximum Records per Page
Enter the maximum number of records to be included on each page of the output results. For example, if you use the default value of 50,
and a search returns 175 records, there will be a total of four output pages; the first three with 50 records each, and the last with 25 records.
List Taxa with or without Specimens
If you select the default 'Taxa Only', the output page will consist of a list of the taxa meeting the search criteria.
If you select 'Taxa and Specimens', a list of individual specimen lots will appear under each taxon name. In either case, the
taxa will be sorted phylogenetically, then alphabetically within each family. Note that the
'Maximum Records per Page' applies to individual taxa if 'Taxa Only' is selected, and individual specimen lots if 'Taxa and Specimens' is selected.
Display Higher Taxonomy in Output List
If this box is checked, the taxonomic Class, Order, Suborder, and Family names are included in a heirarchical fashion within the output list.
Enter a name or part of a name of any taxonmic level (from Kingdom to subspecific levels). For example, entering
"Pomacanthidae" will list all records in that family. Entering the text "Pomac" will list all records of both Pomacanthidae and Pomacentridae (and all other
taxa with the text "pomac" somewhere in their entire taxonomic assignment). Currently, this field does not yet support logical operators such as
'not', 'and' and 'or'; entered values are taken as literal strings. Spaces are allowed in search criteria, but will be truncated if they are either the first or last character(s) of the
search criterion.
Include Synonyms
If this box is checked, returned records will include all taxa matching the taxonomic search criterion as well as senior
Synonym names of taxa with one or more junior Synonym name(s) matching the taxonomic search criterion. If this box is not checked (default), only
valid taxa matching the search criterion are returned.
Enter a name or part of a name of any locality level (from Ocean to specific locality). Currently, this field does not yet support logical operators such as
'not', 'and' and 'or'; entered values are taken as literal strings. Spaces are allowed in search criteria, but will be truncated if they are either the first or last character(s) of the
search criterion. Note: all records in the current database already include 'Fiji' in the locality, so use this field to search for more specific locality levels (e.g., 'Viti Levu').
For questions or comments, please contact Richard Pyle, the administrator of this web site.
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