Samoana canalis (Mousson, 1865)

Original Description:
Partula canalisMousson, A. 1865. Coquilles terrestres et fluviatiles de quelques îles de l'océan Pacifique, recueillies par M. le Dr E. Graeffe. Journal de Conchyliologie. 13(2):172.

Synonyms: (Synonyms listed are only those used with reference to the Samoan fauna according to Cowie, 1998.)
Partula canalisSchmeltz, J.D.E. 1865. Catalog II der zum Verkauf stehenden Doubletten aus dem naturhistorischen Expeditionen der Herren Joh. Ces. Godeffroy & Sohn in Hamburg. [no publisher given], Hamburg. 25.
Remarks:Schmeltz attributed the name to Mousson and recorded it from Samoa.

Type Specimen(s):Syntypes SMF 157957 (Zilch, 1962: 90).
Type Locality:Upolu, Samoa.
Remarks:Retained as a valid species, following Kondo (1968: 75), although Richardson (1990: 71, 87), treated it as either a synonym or subspecies of conica Gould.

71 Specimen Lots
1 Photograph

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